The second round will consist of a negotiation exercise based on relevant European law cases. The teams working in six parallel sessions will each be assigned to one of the parties/companies involved. They will have one hour to prepare their respective positions. On the afternoon of the first day, they will take part in a 90-minute negotiation in the presence of a Jury member (jurors will assess different teams in the oral defence and negotiation exercises). The jurors will assess the performance of each team according to the following criteria:
- Quality
- Originality
- Anticipation of future problems and solutions
- Critical thinking
- Communication skills
- Clarity, attractiveness and persuasiveness of oral skills and consistency
- Reference to the relevant EU law and case law of the European Court of Justice
- Team spirit
At the end of the second round, the jury will deliberate and give its EU perspective on the arguments developed by the teams. It will advise the teams on their written and oral performances and announce the two teams selected to go through to the third and final round.