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Terms & Conditions 2024


The contest is open to trainee lawyers and newly qualified lawyers (in their first year after qualification) nominated by their Bars. Individual applications are also possible.

To register please click here.


Participation at the whole contest is required and participants’ presence will be recorded.


A list of participants including each participant’s address will be made available to all participants unless ERA receives written objection from the participant no later than one week prior to the beginning of the event.


The participant will be asked to give permission for their address and other relevant information to be stored in ERA’s database in order to provide information about future ERA events, publications and/or other developments in the participant’s area of interest.


A certificate of attendance will be distributed at the end of the conference.


Participants should have a working knowledge of English.


Participation from young lawyers nominated by Bars financing the project or participation from members of EYBA are free of charge. For participants applying on their own or through other Bars, a fee of 170 Euro will be charged, including costs for documentation, lunch, coffee breaks and dinner.

Travel & Accomodation

Participants will receive a fixed contribution towards their travel and accommodation expenses, and are asked to book their own travel and accommodation. The condition for payment of this contribution is to sign all attendance sheets at the event. No supporting documents are needed. The amount of the contribution will be determined by the EU unit cost calculation guidelines, which are based on the distance from the participant’s place of work to the seminar location and will not take account of the participant’s actual travel and accommodation costs.


Travel costs from outside a country of a semi-final and final: participants can calculate the contribution to which they will be entitled on the European Commission website (https://era-comm.eu/go/calculator). The distance should be calculated from their place of work to the seminar location.


For those travelling within one country of semi-final /final, the contribution for travel is fixed for a distance between 50km and 400km. Please note that no contribution will be paid for travel under 50km. For more information, please consult p.10 on https://era-comm.eu/go/unit-cost-decision-travel


Accommodation costs: international participants and national participants travelling more than 50km one-way will receive a fixed contribution for up to one night accommodation for semi-finals and for up to three nights for the final .

For more information, please consult p.13 on https://era-comm.eu/go/unit-cost-decision-travel

These rules do not apply to representatives of EU Institutions and Agencies who are required to cover their own travel and accommodation.


Successful applicants will be sent the relevant claim form and information on how to obtain payment of the contribution to their expenses. Please note that no payment is possible if the registered participant cancels their participation for any reason.

Health & Safety

Please click here to see information on Health & Safety for Face-to-Face events at the Academy of European Law ERA.